Ruth Simika-Mayi a Sikono Invites Blantyre Residents to Mibawa for a Culinary Delight

By Burnett Munthali

Ruth Simika, affectionately known as Mayi a Sikono among her followers, took to her Facebook page with an enticing invitation for residents of Blantyre. In a post that stirred up excitement among food enthusiasts and curious diners alike, she extended a warm welcome to join her for lunch at Mibawa this afternoon.

“If you are in Blantyre, find me at Mibawa for lunch this afternoon,” Simika’s post read, promising a firsthand experience of her culinary skills. Known for her expertise in the kitchen, she tantalized prospective guests with the opportunity to savor dishes prepared with the care and tradition that has become synonymous with her name.


Simika’s reputation precedes her as a culinary artist, often celebrated for her mastery of flavors and dedication to quality ingredients. Her invitation not only promises a delicious meal but also invites patrons to partake in a dining experience that reflects her passion for cooking and sharing food with others.

Mibawa, a favored venue in Blantyre known for its welcoming ambiance and scenic views, serves as the perfect backdrop for this gastronomic affair. As guests converge to enjoy the afternoon meal, they anticipate a menu curated by none other than Mother Sikono herself, elevating their lunchtime experience with each bite.

For those eager to sample the creations of Ruth Simika and indulge in a memorable dining experience, Mibawa becomes more than just a restaurant—it transforms into a destination where flavors, community, and culinary artistry converge. As lunchtime approaches, anticipation builds among Blantyre residents eager to answer Mother Sikono’s invitation and taste firsthand the delights she promises to serve.